People listen to music while on bed for many reasons. Some people like to listen to music to help them relax or sleep. Some use it to drown out the sound of snoring or to drown out the sounds of the world outside.

Resting with headphones on is a common habit. However, is it bad to sleep with headphones on? let’s see!

Others still like to listen to music when they are bored. There are many different types of music, so people can find something that they like to listen to while in bed.

What are the benefits of listening to music?

There are many benefits to listening to music while you deep sleep.

  • It can help you relax and fall asleep faster. Music has been shown to be a natural tranquilizer. It can help you fall asleep faster and reduce anxiety levels.
  • It can boost your mood and make you feel more contented. Listening to music while you sleep has been shown to improve your mood and mental well-being. This is because music is associated with positive emotions, which can make you happy and relaxed.
  • It can help you focus and stay productive during the day. Music has also been shown to improve concentration skills. When you’re focused on something that’s enjoyable, it’s harder to lose focus or get distracted.
  • Music has been shown to be an effective stress reliever (only for some time). It can help reduce feelings of stress and anxiety and make you less likely to panic or become overwhelmed in difficult situations.

Listening to music while you Sleep can help keep your mind active and productive throughout the day

What are the health risks of listening to music?

If you’re anyone like me, you probably enjoy listening to music either in your free time or when you’re working. 

But did you know that there are some serious health risks associated with listening to music while sleeping?

  • Research has found that listening to music during sleep can have a negative impact on your overall well-being.

For example, a study published in Washington Post has shown that people who listen to music while they sleep tend to have shorter sleep duration and poorer quality sleep.

This is because listening to music while you’re trying to fall asleep can disrupt your natural rhythm and cause you to spend more time awake during the night with high heart rate and ear pain.

  • Furthermore, research has also found that people who listen to music while they sleep are more likely to suffer from insomnia.

This is because music can increase your stress levels at your ear canal and make it harder for you to get a good night’s sleep.

So if you’re looking for ways to improve your sleep quality, it might be best to try to avoid listening to music while you sleep altogether. 

Instead, focus on relaxing hobbies or activities that won’t impact your quality of sleep.

A boy sleeping while headphones on

Is It Bad To Sleep With Headphones On?

People often sleep with headphones on in order to block out noise and distractions from the surrounding environment.

But what are the health risks of sleeping with headphones on? What are the harmful effects of listening to music? 

There are several reasons why it might not be a good idea to sleep with headphones on.

  • For one, wearing headphones while you sleep can actually lead to poorer sleep quality and worse concentration.

  • In addition, it can be difficult to hear emergency alarms or other important sounds when you’re wearing headphones.

  • And using headphones during the night can lead to problems with your hearing. 

  • Also, don’t use wired headphones. you may die of strangulation of the wire around your neck. Although it’s not risky, be careful.

  • Finally, if you habitually use headphones while sleeping, your eardrums may become less sensitive over time. Research has shown that exposure to loud noises, while you’re sleeping, can cause temporary damage to your hearing ability.

    This damage can worsen over time if you continue to expose yourself to loud noises while you sleep.

Related: Do Headphones Hurt Ear Cartilage

How can you reduce the health risks of Deep Sleep with headphones or earbuds:

There are several ways to reduce the health risks of sleeping with headphones on. Here you will get the answer to, how to sleep with headphones. 

  • First, make sure you are properly hydrated before bed. Dehydration can increase your risk of insomnia, headaches, and other health concerns.
  • Another way to reduce health risks is to avoid listening to loud music or voices while you sleep.
  • Loud noises can cause your brain to work harder, which can lead to fatigue and poor sleep quality.
  • Avoid listening to music, start listening to podcasts.
  • Finally, keep your headphones away from your head and neck when you’re asleep. These areas are especially vulnerable to injury if you fall asleep with headphones on.

There are health risks related with sleeping with earbuds in, as it can accumulate earwax in your ears and reduce your hearing ability.

What are some alternative ways to listen to music while you sleep?

Sleep is a crucial time for restoring and refreshing the body. When you sleep, your brain is able to reorganize memories and make new ones.

It’s also a time when your body heals itself. Unfortunately, many of us have developed unhealthy sleeping habits that can impede our quality of sleep. 

  • Certain types of meditation and relaxation techniques involve listening to calming sounds, such as rain or ocean waves.

If you find yourself struggling to get a good night’s sleep without listening to music, there are several alternative ways to listen to music while you sleep. 

Sleeping with over ear headphones is not good. 

  • You can try earplug headphones or noise generators like white noise machines that create a soothing environment.

Acousticsheep Classic Headphones

  •  You can also use AcousticSheep Classic Headphones while in bed to listen to music or podcast.

Philips Smart Sleep Headband


There’s no right or wrong answer when it comes to sleeping with headphones on, although there are for listening to music, as long as you’re mindful of your surroundings and aren’t disturbing anyone else. 

If you’re able to fall asleep without listening to music or any other audio, that’s great!

However, if you find yourself struggling to get comfortable or if you experience difficulty falling asleep because of the noise from your headphones, then it might be a good idea to take them off before bed or use alternatives.

Listen to your body and see what works best for you!

Oliver Dules
Oliver is a distinguished professional who holds a prestigious degree in Technical Engineering from Harvard University. With a solid academic foundation, he embarked on a career path that showcased his expertise and commitment to the field. Over the past four years, Oliver has honed his technical skills and knowledge through hands-on experience at two industry giants, JBL and Samsung. His tenure at these renowned companies has equipped him with a deep understanding of cutting-edge technology and innovative solutions. Oliver's remarkable journey, marked by academic excellence and practical industry experience, underscores his unwavering dedication to advancing the realm of technical engineering.